Wednesday 16 February 2011

Thats a Stand-up blog, you got there

Ok so the first gig is done, and the video is uploading now.

so I took some kalms before the gig and I was so nervous what I think happened was my brain tried to have a panic attack and the kalms counteracted so all that ended up happening was I just talked and my brain shut down, thankfully rehearsing what I was originally going to say meant I actually spoke, but I do have a load of other jokes that I just didn’t end up using because I couldn’t think. It’s a confidence thing and stand up is something you get better at over time.

But the gig can’t have been that bad as when I left a bloke from another pub asked if I could come to his open mic-night. I know it’s not really but I consider that my first booking.

This Blog will be I talk about how I did on my gigs and hopefully I can get in a few light reading articles aswell.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Political Correctness

It’s a touchy subject for most comedians and everyone who is famous but I might as well fill people in who don’t quite get it, when a comedian thinks of a joke he doesn’t think of it as “that’s offensive I’ll just say that for cheap laughs” he finds an observation or a play on words and he decides to make a joke about it. the fact it might be offensive is a risk he runs with. My main qualm with the entire situation is people thinking that they for some reason have the right to tell other people what they can’t say. There was a woman who Kicked-off about a Franky Boyle gig. now Franky is a VERY blue comedian but on stage he has a very offensive shtick(character), and this woman with a down’s syndrome child booked front row seats to his gig, now booking front row seats to a gig takes a bit of dedication as they’re normally the first to go, that means this woman clearly must’ve wanted to see Franky, and that she was offended was not very surprising but she then went to the papers with it, and that’s when shit got out of hand. Dozens of people jumped on the bandwagon ripping on Franky for telling “tasteless” jokes.

Now to the point, do people really think they have the right to tell a comedian what jokes he can or cannot tell? If they’re bad jokes people wouldn’t laugh. Do people tell artists that they cannot put up their art because the art is too offensive? There should be a few comedians like Franky. If you don’t like a type of music, you don’t listen to it. If you don’t like a book, you don’t fucking read it. If a comedian tells a joke you don’t like, I suggest you shut the fuck up and find something you do like and let everyone get along with their lives.

Bonus - you are what you eat and these feminist cunts are really starting to get on my nerves